Module scm_confocal.util


def align_stack(images, startim=0, threshold=0, binning=1, smooth=0, upsample=1, startoffset=None, cval=0, trim='valid', blocksize=None, show_process_im=False, apply_shift=True)

Cross correlation alignment of image stack. Based around skimage.feature.phase_cross_correlation with enables sub-pixel precise determination of the image shift via efficient FFT cross correlation.

When preprocessing (smoothing and/or binning and/or thresholding) is used, a copy of the data is created and used for determining the image shift, but the original (unprocessed) data is corrected for image shift and returned.

order of preprocessing is first thresholding, then binning, then smoothing


images : Nd numpy array
the dataset which will be aligned along the first dimension (e.g. z)
startim : int
starting index that acts as reference for rest of stack
threshold : float
any pixel value below threshold is set to 0 before alignment
binning : int
factor to bin pixels in (x,y)
smooth : float
size of gaussian kernal for smoothing prior to calculating the translation
upsample : int
precision of translation in units of 1/pixel
startoffset : tuple of floats
shift to apply to the starting image before alignment
cval : float, optional
fill value for unknown values outside of images when shifting. The default is 0
trim : one of ['valid','full','same']
if/how to trim the stack after shifting images. In case of 'valid' the stack is trimmed down to the volume where all pixels were part of the input data, for 'full' the stack is padded with cval such that all pixels in the input are present in the output data and the shifting is done in a separate step after calculating all image shifts, and for 'same' the shape and position of the data is kept the same except for the shift imposed by startoffset. Note that in case of trim='full' the origin for shift and trim values is shifted to the top left corner of the padded stack. The default is 'valid'.
blocksize : int or tuple of ints, optional
see bin_stack()
show_process_im : bool, optional
whether the preprocessed input data is shown in a figure. The default is False.
apply_shift : bool, optional
if True, the shifted input data is returned. If False, the unchanged input data is returned. This saves computation time if the image shifts are to be used separately (e.g. to align a different detector channel). The default is True


images : numpy.array
the image data with optionally translation and trimming applied
shifts : list of ([z],y,x) tuples
image shift values for each image in the dataset
slices : list of slice
parameters for trimming
def average_nearest_neighbour_distance(features, pos_cols=['x (um)', 'y (um)', 'z (um)'])

finds average distance of nearest neighbours from pandas array of coordinates.


features : pandas DataFrame
dataframe containing the particle coordinates
pos_cols : list of strings, optional
Names of columns to use for coordinates. The default is ['x (um)','y (um)','z (um)'].


average distance to the closest particle for all the pairs in the set
def bin_stack(images, n=1, blocksize=None, quiet=False, dtype=None)

bins numpy ndarrays in arbitrary dimensions by a factor n. Prior to binning, elements from the end are deleted until the length is a multiple of the bin factor. Executes averaging of bins in floating point precision, which is memory intensive for large stacks. Using smaller blocks reduces memory usage, but is less efficient.


images : numpy.ndarray
ndarray containing the data
n : int or tuple of int, optional
factor to bin with for all dimensions (int) or each dimension individually (tuple with one int per dimension). The default is 1.
blocksize : int, optional
number of (binned) slices to process at a time to conserve memory. The default is entire stack.
quiet : bool, optional
suppresses printed output when True. The default is False.
dtype : (numpy) datatype, optional
datatype to use for output. Averaging of the binned pixels always occurs in floating point precision. The default is np.uint8.


images : numpy.ndarray
binned stack
def fit_powerlaw(x, y, weights=None, **kwargs)

Linear regression in log space of the MSD to get diffusion constant, which is a powerlaw in linear space of the form Ax*n


x : list or numpy.array
x coordinates of data points to fit
y : list or numpy.array
y coordinates of data points to fit
weights : list or numpy.array, optional
list of weights to use for each (x,y) coordinate. The default is None.

**kwargs : arguments passed to scipy.optimize.curve_fit


A : float
constant A
n : float
power n
sigmaA : float
standard deviation in A
sigmaN : float
standard deviation in n
def flatfield_correction_apply(images, corrim, dtype=None, check_overflow=True)

Apply a correction to all images in a dataset based on a mask / correction image such as provided by util.flatfield_correction_init. Pixel values are divided by the correction image, accounting for integer overflow by clipping to the max value of the (integer) dtype.

Note that overflow checking is currently implemented using numpy masked arrays, which are extremely slow (up to 10x) when compared to normal numpy arrays. It can be bypassed using check_overflow for a memory and performance improvement.


images : (sequence of) numpy.array
the images to correct. he last two dimensions are taken as the 2D images, other dimensions are preserved. Must have 2 or more dims.
corrim : numpy.array
The correction image to apply. Must have 2 or more dimensions, if there are more than 2 it must match images according to numpy broadcasting rules.
dtype : data type, optional
data type used for the output. The default is images.dtype.
check_overflow : bool, optional
Whether to check and avoid integer overflow. The default is True.


the corrected image array

See Also


def flatfield_correction_init(images, kernelsize, average=True)

Provides a correction image for inhomogeneous illumination based on low frequency fourier components. Particularly useful for data from the Visitech recorded at relatively large frame size / low imaging rate.


images : (sequence of) numpy array with >= 2 dimensions
image(s) to calculate a correction image for. The last two dimensions are taken as the 2D images.
kernelsize : int
cutoff size in fourier-space pixels (i.e. cycles per image-size) of cone-shaped low-pass fourier filter.
average : bool, optional
whether to average correction images along the first dimension of the supplied data. Requires >2 dimensions in the input data. The default is True.


numpy array
(array of) normalized correction images where the maximum is scaled to 1.

See Also


def mean_square_displacement(features, pos_cols=['x', 'y', 'z'], t_col='t (s)', nparticles=None, pickrandom=False, bins=20, tmin=None, tmax=None, itmin=1, itmax=None, parallel=False, cores=None, linear_sampling=False)

calculate the mean square displacement vs time for linked particles


features : pandas.DataFrame
output from containing tracking data
pos_cols : list of str, optional
names of columns to use for coordinates. The default is ['x','y','z'].
t_col : str, optional
name of column containing timestamps. The default is 't (s)'.
nparticles : int, optional
number of particles to use for calculation (useful for large datasets). The default is all particles.
pickrandom : bool, optional
whether to pick nparticles randomly or not, if False it takes the n longest tracked particles from data. The default is False.
bins : int or sequence of floats, optional
number of bins or bin edges for output. The default is 20.
tmin : float, optional
left edge of first bin. The default is min(t_col).
tmax : float, optional
right edge of last bin, The default is max(t_col).
itmin : int, optional
minimum (integer) step size in timesteps. The default is 1.
itmax : int, optional
maximum (integer) step size in timesteps. The default is no limit.
parallel : bool, optional
whether to use the parallelized implementation. Requires rest of the code to be protected in a if name == 'main' block. The default is False.
cores : int, optional
the number of cores to use when using the parallelized implementation. When parallel=False this option is ignored


binedges : numpy.array
edges of time bins
bincounts : numpy.array
number of sampling points for each bin
binmeans : numpy.array
mean square displacement values
def mean_square_displacement_legacy(features, pos_cols=['x', 'y', 'z'], t_col='t (s)', nparticles=None, pickrandom=False, nbins=20, tmin=None, tmax=None, itmin=1, itmax=None, parallel=False, cores=None)

calculate the mean square displacement vs time for linked particles


features : pandas.DataFrame
output from containing tracking data
pos_cols : list of str, optional
names of columns to use for coordinates. The default is ['x','y','z'].
t_col : str, optional
name of column containing timestamps. The default is 't (s)'.
nparticles : int, optional
number of particles to use for calculation (useful for large datasets). The default is all particles.
pickrandom : bool, optional
whether to pick nparticles randomly or not, if False it takes the n longest tracked particles from data. The default is False.
nbins : int, optional
number of bins for output. The default is 20.
tmin : float, optional
left edge of first bin. The default is min(t_col).
tmax : float, optional
right edge of last bin, The default is max(t_col).
itmin : int, optional
minimum (integer) step size in timesteps. The default is 1.
itmax : int, optional
maximum (integer) step size in timesteps. The default is no limit.
parallel : bool, optional
whether to use the parallelized implementation. Requires rest of the code to be protected in a if name == 'main' block. The default is False.
cores : int, optional
the number of cores to use when using the parallelized implementation. When parallel=False this option is ignored


binedges : numpy.array
edges of time bins
bincounts : numpy.array
number of sampling points for each bin
binmeans : numpy.array
mean square displacement values
def mean_square_displacement_per_frame(features, pos_cols=['x', 'y'], feat_col='particle')

Calculate the mean square movement of all tracked features between subsequent frames using efficient pandas linear algebra


features : pandas.Dataframe
dataframe containing the tracking data over timesteps indexed by frame number and containing coordinates of features.
pos_cols : list of str, optional
names of the columns containing coordinates. The default is ['x','y'].
feat_col : str
name of column containing feature identifyers. The default is 'particle'.


msd : numpy.array
averages of the squared displacements between each two steps
def multiply_intensity(data, factor, dtype=None)

For multiplying the values of a numpy array while accounting for integer overflow issues in integer datatypes. Corrected values larger than the datatype max are set to the max value.


data : numpy.ndarray
array containing the data values
factor : float
factor to multiply data with
dtype : (numpy) datatype, optional
Datatype to scale data to. The default is the same type as the input data.


data : numpy.ndarray
data with new intensity values.
def pair_correlation_2d(features, rmin=0, rmax=10, dr=None, ndensity=None, boundary=None, column_headers=['y', 'x'], periodic_boundary=False, handle_edge=True)

calculates g(r) via a 'conventional' distance histogram method for a set of 2D coordinate sets. Edge correction is fully analytic.


features : pandas DataFrame or numpy.ndarray
contains coordinates in (y,x)
rmin : float, optional
lower bound for the pairwise distance, left edge of 0th bin. The default is 0.
rmax : float, optional
upper bound for the pairwise distance, right edge of last bin. The default is 10.
dr : float, optional
bin width for the pairwise distance bins. The default is (rmax-rmin)/20.
ndensity : float, optional
number density of particles in sample. The default is None which computes the number density from the input data.
boundary : array-like, optional
positions of the walls that define the bounding box of the coordinates, given as (ymin,ymax,xmin,xmax). The default is the min and max values in the dataset along each dimension.
column_headers : list of string, optional
column labels which contain the coordinates to use in case features is given as a pandas.DataFrame. The default is [y','x'].
periodic_boundary : bool, optional
whether periodic boundary conditions are used. The default is False.
handle_edge : bool, optional
whether to correct for edge effects in non-periodic boundary conditions. The default is True.


edges : numpy.array
edges of the bins in r
counts : numpy.array
normalized count values in each bin of the g(r)
def pair_correlation_3d(features, rmin=0, rmax=10, dr=None, ndensity=None, boundary=None, column_headers=['z', 'y', 'x'], periodic_boundary=False, handle_edge=True)

calculates g(r) via a 'conventional' distance histogram method for a set of 3D coordinate sets. Edge correction is fully analytic and based on refs [1] and [2].


features : pandas DataFrame or numpy.ndarray
contains coordinates in (z,y,x)
rmin : float, optional
lower bound for the pairwise distance, left edge of 0th bin. The default is 0.
rmax : float, optional
upper bound for the pairwise distance, right edge of last bin. The default is 10.
dr : float, optional
bin width for the pairwise distance bins. The default is (rmax-rmin)/20.
ndensity : float, optional
number density of particles in sample. The default is None which computes the number density from the input data.
boundary : array-like, optional
positions of the walls that define the bounding box of the coordinates, given as (zmin,zmax,ymin,ymax,xmin,xmax). The default is the min and max values in the dataset along each dimension.
column_headers : list of string, optional
column labels which contain the coordinates to use in case features is given as a pandas.DataFrame. The default is ['z','y','x'].
periodic_boundary : bool, optional
whether periodic boundary conditions are used. The default is False.
handle_edge : bool, optional
whether to correct for edge effects in non-periodic boundary conditions. The default is True.


edges : numpy.array
edges of the bins in r
counts : numpy.array
normalized count values in each bin of the g(r)


[1] Markus Seserno (2014). How to calculate a three-dimensional g(r) under periodic boundary conditions.

[2] Kopera, B. A. F., & Retsch, M. (2018). Computing the 3D Radial Distribution Function from Particle Positions: An Advanced Analytic Approach. Analytical Chemistry, 90(23), 13909–13914.

def plot_stack_histogram(images, bin_edges=range(0, 256), newfig=True, legendname=None, title='intensity histogram', **kwargs)

manually flattens list of images to list of pixel values and plots histogram. Can combine multiple calls with newfig and legendname options


images : numpy ndarray
array containing pixel values
bin_edges : list or range, optional
edges of bins to use. The default is range(0,256).
newfig : bool, optional
Whether to open a new figure or to add to currently active figure. The default is True.
legendname : string, optional
label to use for the legend. The default is None.
title : string, optional
text to use as plot title. The default is 'intensity histogram'.


pyplot figure handle
def saveprompt(question='Save/overwrite? 1=YES, 0=NO. ')

Asks user a question (whether to save). If 1 is entered, it returns True, for any other answer it returns False


question : string
The question to prompt the user for


save : bool
whether to save
def subtract_background(images, val=0, percentile=False)

subtract a constant value from a numpy array without going below 0


images : numpy ndarray
images to correct.
percentile : bool, optional
Whether to give the value as a percentile of the stack rather than an absolute value to subtrackt. The default is False.
val : int or float, optional
Value or percentile to subtract. The default is 0.


images : numpy ndarray
the corrected stack.
def write_textfile(params, filename='parameters.txt')

stores parameter names and values in text file


params : dictionary of name:value
the data to store
filename : str, optional
file name to us for saving. The default is "parameters.txt".

