Package slstools

Python package slstools contains several helper functions and classes for reading in data from the SCM SLS setup, Miescat program, generating models for the scattering of spheres of given diameter and polydispersity and fitting those models to the experimental data. The scattering calculations are based on miepython.

Author: Roy Hoitink


class Experiment (filename, normalise=True, K_unit='m', remove_data_after_pole=True, **kwargs)

Helper class for data generated by the SCM SLS setup.

For example usage, see Fit class.


filepath : pathlib.Path
Path object of the file containing the SLS data
data : numpy.ndarray
Numpy array containing all raw data from the file.
theta : numpy.ndarray
Numpy array containing the scattering angles in degrees.
intensity_uncor : numpy.ndarray
Numpy array containing scattering intensities, not corrected for scattering volume (perpendicular polarisation).
intensity : numpy.ndarray
Numpy array containing scattering intensities, corrected for scattering volume (perpendicular polarisation).
K : numpy.ndarray
Numpy array containing the scattering angles (in units of K_unit).
K_unit : str
(inverse) unit of K, one of [nm, µm, m].
temperature : numpy.ndarray
Numpy array containing temperatures that were measured by the setup.

Initialisation of the class, assigns the data as class variables.


filename : str
Path to file
normalise : bool, optional
Whether or not to normalise the intensity data to 1. The default is True.
K_unit : str, optional
Inverse units of K, one of [nm, µm, m]. E.g. if nm is given a K_unit, K will be given in units of. The default is m.


def correct_for_reflection(self, n_m=1.333, n_glass=1.49)

Correct the intensity for reflection

Stores the corrected intensity as intensity atrribute of the class, to allow for easier fitting. The old intensities are now stored in the intensity_reflection_uncor attribute.

Due to reflections, we need to correct the measured intensity for reflection at the glass-air interface of the toluene vessel as follows:

I_{cor}(\theta) = I_m(\theta)-R*I_m(\pi - \theta)


  • I_m(\theta) the measured intensity at a certain angle \theta
  • R = \left( \frac{n_{glass} - n_{air}}{n_{glass}+ n_{air}} \right)^2 +\left( \frac{n_{glass} - n_{solvent}}{n_{glass}+ n_{solvent}} \right)^2
  • n_{air} = 1.00, n_{glass}= n_glass , n_{solvent}= n_m


n_m : float, optional
Refractive index of the medium, by default 1.333 (water).
n_glass : float, optional
Refractive index of the glass, by default 1.49.
def recalculate_K(self, n_m=1.333, wavelength=632.8)

Recalculate the K attribute of the instance, using the new medium refractive index and laser wavelength


n_m : float or complex, optional
Refractive index of the medium, by default 1.333.
wavelength : float, optional
Vacuum wavelength of the laser in nm, by default 632.8.
class Fit (experiment, model, fit_theta_bounds=(45.0, 110.0), model_kwargs={})

Class for performing fitting a model to experimental data.

Example usage

from slstools import Experiment, Model, Fit
experiment = Experiment("Sample01.sls", K_unit="nm")
model = Model(d=1000, pd=5, n_p=1.4345, n_m=1.333)

fit = Fit(experiment, model, model_kwargs=dict(K_unit="nm"))

optimal_model = # save parameters in same directory as the experiment

Initialize fitting a given Model to given Experiment


experiment : str or Experiment
The experiment that is used for fitting, if a str is given this will be passed as filename to the Experiment class.
model : Model
Intial model that will be used for the fit, make sure to choose a sensible starting diameter and polydispersity as it helps to speed up the fitting. Also use the correct refractive indices for the particle and medium.
fit_theta_bounds : tuple, optional
Range of theta (scattering angle) that will be used for fitting data, by default (45.,110.).
model_kwargs : dict, optional
Extra keyword arguments to pass onto the final model, by default {}.


def fit(self, debug=False)

Function to perform the actual fitting of the model to the experiment


debug : bool, optional
Whether or not to output intermediate fitting parameters, by default False.


Model The Model with parameters that best fit the experiment Note: the intensities should be multiplied with self.optimal_params[0] to be accurate to the experiment's intensities.

def save(self, filename=None, overwrite=True, extra_info={}, save_theta=False)

Saves a dictionary, to a pickle file, containing a model_parameters part which can directly be plugged into the Model class and a fit_info part which gives info on what file was fitted to, the theta range and the prefactor used for plotting model and experiment together.


filename : str, optional
Filename to save the data as dictionary in pkl format, by default None, which results in saving it as [experiment_filename]_fit.pkl
overwrite : bool, optional
Whether or not to overwrite the file if it already exists, by default True
extra_info : dict, optional
Extra data in dictionary form to store in the fit_info, by default {}
overwrite : bool, optional
Whether or not to save the list of angles (theta), by default False


bool Whether or not it succeeded in saving the file

class Miescat (filename, K_unit='m', **kwargs)

Helper class for data generated by the miescat program.


data : numpy.ndarray
Numpy array containing all raw data from the file.
theta : numpy.ndarray
Numpy array containing the scattering angles in degrees.
K : numpy.ndarray
Numpy array containing the scattering angles (in units of K_unit).
K_unit : str
(inverse) unit of K, one of [nm, µm, m].
intensity : numpy.ndarray
Numpy array containing (normalised) scattering intensities (perpendicular polarised)
intensity_par : numpy.ndarray
Numpy array containing (normalised) scattering intensities (parallel polarised)

Initialisation of the class, assigns the data to objects attributes


filename : str
Path to the file that contains the miescat data.
K_unit : str, optional
(inverse) unit of K, one of [nm, µm, m], by default "m".
class Model (n_p, d=1000.0, pd=0.0, n_m=1.333, wavelength=632.8, theta=None, K_unit='m', normalise=True)

Helper class to create a model for scattering spheres of given diameter (and polydispersity).

Example usage

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from slstools import Model

# intialise class with spheres of 1200 nm in diameter
# with a polydispersity of 5%
model = Model(d=1200.,pd=5.,n_p=1.4345)
plt.plot(model.K, model.intensity)
plt.xlabel(r"K ($%s^{-1}$)" % model.K_unit)
plt.ylabel("Normalised intensity")


K : numpy.ndarray
Numpy array containing the scattering angles in units of K_unit.
intensity : numpy.ndarray
Numpy array containing scattering intensities for each angle (perpendicular polarisation).

Initialisation of the class, assigns data to class attributes and calculates model from given parameters.


n_p : float|complex
(complex) refractive index of the particle.
d : float, optional
Diameter of the particle in nm, by default 1000.0.
pd : float, optional
Polydispersity of the system in % (e.g. 5 for 5% p.d.), by default 0.0.
n_m : float, optional
Refractive index of the medium, by default 1.333 (water).
wavelength : float, optional
Vacuum wavelength of the laser in nm, by default 632.8 (HeNe laser).
theta : numpy.ndarray, optional
List of angles to calculate intensities for, by default np.linspace(0.0, 180.0, 361)
K_unit : str, optional
(inverse) unit of scattering angle K, by default m.
normalise : bool, optional
Whether or not to normalise the intensities to 1.0, by default True.